What is your approach to getting all of the nutrition you need on a vegan diet?

I’d like to start off by saying that most Americans in generally are nutritionally deficient. This includes non vegans. This is partly due to the poor information on the subject that we are taught (or rather not taught in school). With that being said, it’s important to know about the plant based sources of key macro and micronutrients. For the Macro nutrients, it’s actually pretty simple. The key is variety. I make sure to include almost type of food in my diet to get my macronutrients. This includes vegetables, fruits, grains, etc. If you want to know specifically what I do for protein, consider checking this article out. There are also herbal sources of protein that have more of it then even meat. The one I take is here.

For Micronutrients, I use a nutritive approach. A Nutritive is something that has a lot of the key micronutrients in it. I feel they have gotten a bad rap over the years with people overpromising things concerning them just so they can sell them. For instance, someone may say that you could survive just off this nutritive. This is obviously untrue and even if it was, your body will eventually develop an allergic reaction to a food if it is eaten too frequently. This is a defensive mechanism to ensure that your body remains in it’s appropriate balance. Nutritives are still very useful though because they help to ensure that you are getting everything you need even if your diet is lacking in particular micros.

This is mainly why I use them. I don’t care much for having to arcitect my meals to a large degree to ensure i’m getting all I need nutritionally. Yes, I keep in mind that this type of food is a good source of Iron, zinc, a vitamin, etc but taking nutritives make it so I don’t have to design my meals solely around getting enough micronutrients. As far as what the nutritives I take are, I tend to stay away from the processsed ones and only use to the raw herbal ones Some examples of these are below. I don’t just take one of these though. I alternate between them. I’ll buy one, take it until it runs out then I buy another nutritive. I’ll do this until I’ve taken all of them. Then I rinse and repeat. Since one tends to last about a month, this ensures I get a variety of the nutrients from multiple sources while at the same time ensuring that I get them.

Nutritives that I use: Emerald Cell Greens Formula, Herbal MultiVitamin, Nutraplex, Limu Original

How do you get your Omega 3, 6 and 9?

I take a nutritive approach here as well. The difference though is I will construct my meals based around the type of fats that are in the food if i’m using oils or nuts. The reason being that it is critical to keep your omega 3 and 6 levels in balance. Not doing so can have health repercussions. The nutritives help to make sure I’m getting my omegas and it helps to keep them in balance but a general understanding of what foods are good sources of Omega 6 or 3 is needed. This goes double if you consume a lot of nuts in your diet (I do) as these are mostly fats. The Nutritives that I switch between for fats are below. The dosage is a tablespoon a day. I always get them cold pressed and never use them for frying. This changes the form of the oil and they act as free radicals in your body making the person more susceptible to disease. More on this can be found on the book “ Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill” by Udo Erasmus.

Nutritives that I use for fats: Black Seed Oil, Moringa Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Limu Original

Do you drink coffee?

No, I don’t. Mainly because it takes a toll after a while on your adrenal glands. If you are struggling with being alert or fully waking up this is a sign that your diet needs to improve. This is assuming you are getting the appropriate levels of sleep. If you are not, then you’ll definitely want to address that first. Incorporating more raw food vegan meals could assist with this issue. Exercise is also a way to increase your in energy naturally. There are some healthy alternatives should you need them. What I personally do is use a form of Ozone Therapy if I need extra energy. I have an Ozone machine with a tube attached to it. I place that tube in 2 cups of water and ozonate the water for 30 minutes to an hour. Once it’s finished, I drink the water. This helps to keep me hydrated and its a way of getting ozone into my body which converts into oxygen in the body. That oxygen then converts into energy. Ozone also plays a big role in helping your immune system deal with disease in general so there is that added benefit. More can be found about Ozone Therapy in Ed McCabe’s “Flood Your Body With Oxygen”. Another coffee alternative is Teeccino’s herbal coffee brand. Their “coffee” is made up of a combination of herbs and fruits that produce the same effect as coffer but without the damage to your health long term.